Voices- CSO

Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra


The Chilliwack Symphony Chorus is an auditioned performance choir and we love to sing for people. We have openings in all voice types. Interested singers must be willing to do an annual audition as well as make a year long commitment and must be able to read music. Each singer is expected to be dedicated as well as blend well with other singers. We pride ourselves on commitment to the music and to each other. The Chilliwack Symphony Chorus is serious about making good music in a fun environment.

In addition to the learning of challenging new singing skills, close social connections and valuable supports are forged between our members. Over the years, we have had several members who have lost spouses or other family members, and they find solace, companionship and understanding within the membership of the chorus. They continue to sing, and all-in-all, the music itself acts as a therapeutic healer. As well as seniors, our chorus also welcomes teens. It goes without saying that from being in this setting, these young people acquire so many important life skills in addition to the excellent vocal training they gain from being in the chorus.

Members of the Chorus



We love the rehearsal process and working together to bring music to our supporters and patrons.   If you think you will miss more than 3 rehearsals this won’t be the choir for you. BUT if you love singing with a wonderful group of musicians then you should contact us today.

Interested singers please call 604-795-0521 to book your audition and/or for more information about becoming a member.

Amber Hipwell
Jaime Rene
Avery Holwerda
Olive Brown

Fabiana Ribeiro
Crystal Boyes
Maris Lemba
Anya McRae

Nikki Holwerda
Shane Hipwell
Peter vandermeulen
Ralph Verhagen
Linda Elkins

Aart Breugem
Fred Talen
Henry Waldock

CSO Chorus

Our amazing musicans.

The People Who Make Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra




The Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra is one of the only professional orchestras in the Fraser Valley and east of the Port Mann Bridge.  We also have a Baroque ensemble that performs on period instruments.



The Chilliwack Symphony Chorus is an auditioned performance choir and we love to sing for people. We have openings in all voice types. Interested singers must be willing to make a year long commitment and must be able to read music.

Cantare Super Orchestram

Cantare Super Orchestram

We are thrilled to rebrand our Early Music ensemble under the new name of Cantare Super Orchestram.  It means to sing over the orchestra which suits our wonderful collaborations with renown vocal ensemble Belle Voci

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