Make A Difference.
Become A Sponsor/Donor of the Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra and Chorus.
Make A Difference
Become A Sponsor/Donor of the Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra & Chorus.
The Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra & Chorus brings live orchestra music to our community, enriching the quality of life in the Fraser Valley and lower mainland. The support of our donors helps us to make this possible. Ticket sales account for only a small portion of our operating costs; so, we look to sponsors, donors, and fundraising events to make up the difference.
Your Gift Does Make a Huge Difference!
Your donation to the Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra & Chorus has a direct impact on our programming and other innovative initiatives. With your help, we can continue to produce the highest quality orchestral concerts for our Fraser Valley and lower mainland audiences, and we can continue to mentor many young emerging local musicians.
Everyone benefits, the musicians, the singers, as well as the community. Whatever your reasons, your gift makes a difference and brings music to life!
Sponsorship Levels
Pianissimo: $25-$99
Mezzo Piano: $100-$499
Mezzo Forte: $500-$999
Fortissimo: $1000+
In Kind Goods/Services
Become A Volunteer.
We are looking for a volunteer coordinator.
Please consider volunteering in any of the following capacities OR suggest an area where you would like to help by donating your time and talent to support YOUR professional Symphony Orchestra in the Valley:
Committee Work, Phoning, Membership Services, Props, Lobby Displays, Lighting, Stage set-up and take-down, Fundraising, Backstage crew, Assistant Stage Management.
Sponsors & Donors.
Supporting Excellence.
Although non-profit, the CSO needs to operate as a business. We receive significant revenue from concert ticket sales and our annual gala dinner. However, projections indicate that expenditures will exceed revenue. The CSO seeks partners to join us in supporting our performances and ensuring longevity of the CSO. Benefits to partnership include signage in performance venues, logos on all posters, advertisements in every concert programme, publicity in the media, and announcements from the concert stage.
The most vital benefit partners receive is the knowledge that they have participated in the cultural life of our community and ensured that the music will continue to enhance the life style of our citizens. The Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra and Chorus is grateful to all of our sponsors for their outstanding support. We thank the following organizations for their support of the upcoming 2019-20 season:

Our amazing musicans.
The People Who Make Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra

The Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra is one of the only professional orchestras in the Fraser Valley and east of the Port Mann Bridge. We also have a Baroque ensemble that performs on period instruments.

The Chilliwack Symphony Chorus is an auditioned performance choir and we love to sing for people. We have openings in all voice types. Interested singers must be willing to make a year long commitment and must be able to read music.

Cantare Super Orchestram
We are thrilled to rebrand our Early Music ensemble under the new name of Cantare Super Orchestram. It means to sing over the orchestra which suits our wonderful collaborations with renown vocal ensemble Belle Voci
The CSO News.
Your Source of News about The Chiliwack Symphony Orchestra
Our Blog

2024-25 Season to be launched soon!
We are just finalizing a few details but we can't wait to announce our 2024-25 season. On August 2024, we will be 25 years old. It's hard to believe that we have been making music together for this long. We feel blessed!
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